



Home Statics

Primary Care Data

Basic information on services delivered in primary care institutions in districts
Total admissions for inward services to primary health care institutions of Sabaragamuwa province
Bed occupancy rate (BOR) of primary health care institutions by district and province
Trend of Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) of primary health care institutions by district and province
Comparison of number of admissions, inpatient days and transfers of primary care institutions in Ratnapura and Kegalle district
Trend of clinic attendance in primary care institutions by district
Trend of clinic attendance of primary care institutions in the province
Outdoor Patient Department (OPD) attendance of primary care institutions by district
Outdoor Patient Department (OPD) attendance of primary care institutions in the province
Deliveries in primary care institutions
Deliveries in primary care institutions in the province
Laboratory services in primary care hospitals
Basic information and services delivered in secondary care institutions under the Provincial Health Department

Secondary Care Data

Basic information and services delivered in secondary care institutions under the Provincial Health Department
Indoor patients at secondary care institutions
Outdoor patients at secondary care institutions
OPD patients at secondary care institution by district
Bed occupancy rates of secondary care institutions
Clinic attendance at secondary care institutions
Deliveries in secondary care institutions
Laboratory services in secondary care hospitals
X ray services of provincial secondary care institutions
Number of ultrasound scan performed by BHs
Number of ECG recordings
Blood Bank Services
Specialized Clinic Services
Surgeries performed in provincial secondary care institution
Total number of patients for physiotherapy treatments
Laparoscopy Examinations
Number of post-mortems conducted and availability of relevant officers
Patients treated in emergency treatment units

Tertiary Care Data

General Statistic of Teaching Hospital Ratnapura
Outpatient Services of Teaching Hospital Ratnapura
Clinics by Speciality of Teaching Hospital Ratnapura
Tuberculosis Statistics
General Statistic of District General Hospital Kegalle
Outpatient Services of District General Hospital Kegalle

Get In Touch

Provincial Directorate of Health services office, Sabaragamuwa : No 75, Dharmapala Mawatha, Ratnapura



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